Meet the Swiss Bear Board of Directors

John Haroldson, Chair - Haroldson Properties
Johnny Robinson, Co-Chair Economic Vitality - Robinson & Stith Insurance
Tharesa Lee, Secretary - Civic Leader
Kelli Billingsley, Treasurer - Made in NC, Galley Stores
At-Large Directors
John Robert Mattocks, Chair Economic Vitality - NC Propane Compay
Christopher A. Richie - Nautilus Wealth Management
Winnie Smith - Mitchell Hardware
Ross Beebe - Inner Banks Properties
Charles Cushman - Harvey Manion Owner
Von Lewis - Baxter's 1892
Carol Stubbs - Captain Ratty's and Stubbs & Perdue
Rick Davis - Downtown Resident
Adam Simmons - Morgan's Tavern & Grill
Bill Faulkenberry - MBF Architects
Ex Officio Directors
Denny Bucher - Craven County Commissioner District 7
Nancy Figiel - Tryon Palace
Foster Hughes - City Manager
Tarshi McCoy - Executive Director Craven County Riverfront Convention Center
Mickey Miller - New Bern Historical Society
Richard Parsons - New Bern Preservation Foundation
Rick Prill - Alderman Ward 1
Kevin Roberts - New Bern Area Chamber of Commerce
Ray Staats - Craven Community College
Swiss Bear Board of Directors meetings are held monthly on the third Thursday, 8:00 a.m. in the Chamber of Commerce meeting room (316 South Front Street). The Annual Breakfast is held in January.